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Ectasies is an installation built in response to the troubled memory of the Pavillon Anne de Bretagne, the last remaining example of the royal gardens of the Château de Blois. It plays on the multiple functions that this ‘pleasure pavilion’ would have had : a place for meditation, for receptions in restricted groups, for pleasure...

Véronique Bourlon reinvests this place, like a ghost haunting the world of the living, interweaving photographs and hypnotic films. Ectasies is thus envisaged as the construction of a space outside time, as close as possible to the senses.

An immersive installation in shifting perceptual frames, Véronique Bourlon has recreated a plant pavilion where floral elements invade the space to express human passions, from mystical ecstasy to feminine carnal ecstasies. It's an intimate, sensory immersion where memories, the imaginary and the unconscious all come together.

Ectasies is a score for 4, played between the films Lose yourself with me and The Kiss, as well as the series Summer Night's Dreams and archive photographs.

Here, we see little, we hear in the expectation of seeing. In the darkness, we see the images appear, both shown and hidden. Each time there is a metamorphosis, a relationship to time and space that plunges us into a form of uncertainty and oscillation of perception.



Production and photographs : Véronique Bourlon

Sound design and editing : Cécile Chagnaud

Set design : Anne-Éléonore Gagnon


> Promenades photographiques, Blois, 2024

Photos Véronique Bourlon. All rights reserved

Atelier Patrix, website design

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